Bulkbags Packaging Limited
Welcome to BBPL
Bulkbags Packaging Limited is a young Company. Our prime focus will always be to ensure continuity for our customers, suppliers and employees. Reshaping is in our DNA, we are entrepreneurs, taking advantage of market conditions and trends. We are reshaping our role as packaging supplier. This includes re-inventing ourselves by making strategic choices to halt our own production to become an independent supplier with a network of trusted partner suppliers, and geographic expansion of our subsidiaries. We reshape our packaging portfolio with innovations and further improvement of existing packaging, which has an impact on the markets served Bulkbags is all about cooperation and personal relationships, internally and externally. Relationships with employees, customers and stakeholders. Solutions are sought in teamwork, to help each other to be successful, with respect, integrity and honesty.
On product level, our strength lies in solving customers’ packaging problems. Knowledge, experience ad creativity are the basis for developing these packaging solutions. We are solutions oriented, customer driven and think out-of-the-box!

Bulkbags Packaging more than a packaging solutions!
Kindly connect to have a wonderful experience !
+44 7532 749990